
Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Why Drinking Water Saves You Money

We all know that 80% of our body is made up of water so it stands to reason that we should keep ourselves ‘topped-up’ at all times.  Strange then that many people drink very little water at all each day and still think that tea and coffee are suitable alternatives.  They aren’t, tea and coffee as well as alcohol are diuretics, meaning that they dry us out. 

The perceived wisdom is that 2 litres of water a day is sufficient to keep an average adult ‘topped-up’.  Of course no one is average and you will need more in hot weather and when doing exercise but 2 litres is what we all should be aiming at.  Filling up a 2 litre bottle with water each morning might be a little daunting so the best way is to full a small (500ml) bottle and take it with you.  Just 3 refills in the day and you’re done.  And remember that tap water is free, just check it’s drinkable first.

So why does drinking water save you money?  There are 3 reasons for this:
1.   If you are drinking 2 litres or more of water each day you won’t want to drink as much tea, coffee or other drinks and these will cost you considerably more than even bottled water.
2.   You won’t feel as hungry as you previously did as your stomach will feel full more often.  Again saving money on food that can be really expensive when eating out.
3.   As you start to make sure you are drinking sufficient water each day you will after a few days start to feel healthier.  There is a knock on effect here as you will then start to want to eat healthier food, i.e. more fresh food.  Replacing processed food with fresh ingredients is far healthier and cheaper in the long run.  Maybe not an obvious saving but probably the most significant one.

The health benefits of drinking enough water each day are obvious but the savings in your pocket will add up too.  Try it for a month and see how much you save and how much better you feel yourself.

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