

The level of debt that has become the norm for many in society is now at a level that it is highly likely to lead to people gathering debt to themselves until the day they die - and pass it on in their inheritance! Surely this makes no sense whatsoever.

The same goes for countries as well, particularly in the Western world with ever increasing debt having to be paid for. Fortunately for business the situation is somewhat better as the law of the commercial jungle means that eventually they go bust - survival of the fittest perhaps.

What needs to happen is that as dependence on debt diminishes, income rises, so that a virtuous circle of growth develops. It will take time for whole countries but doesn't need to take so long for individuals and families.

This blog aims to highlight these issues and provide suggestions and tips to stimulate debate and help move in the right direction.

Hope it helps

James Growth

PS. Take a look at the No To Debt website, it has some useful info too.