For anyone who enjoys coffee there are lots of opportunities to drink it in specialist coffee shops, on-the-go, at work and at home. Too much caffeine isn’t good for us but how often do we stop and think about how much we’re spending on coffee each week?
If you totaled up what you spent on coffees and anything else you might buy with them you could come in for a big shock. A little discipline when ordering and just getting what you went in for in the first place will save some but there are other ways of reducing your spend too:
Cut Down By One A Day
Depending on how much coffee you drink each day this may not reduce your intake much but if you multiply this by 5, 6 or 7 you could be saving quite a lot. More so if you go for the real fancy coffees - which is where coffee shops make the real money!
Stick To Regular Coffee
Even the price of a straight black coffee, an Americano, is expensive when you think about it but you are paying for the atmosphere and people’s wages in the price. Switching to a regular coffee from lattes, cappuccinos and the like will greatly reduce your spending and you’ll get to taste the coffee too!
Drink Something Else
Drinking coffee can become a habit for many people. Caffeine is addictive after all so it’s no surprise. There are alternatives that we all know about but tend to forget about. Water, teas and fruit juices provide variety and water especially is far healthier and often free. Substitute one of your daily coffees for one of these and you’ll start to see the difference in no time at all.
Take Your Own Coffee With You
While you might not really want to make fresh coffee in the morning and fill a vacuum flask to take into work there are real benefits. It’s far cheaper than anything you will buy and you will get exactly the right tasting coffee for you.
Use Smaller Cups
I know the price difference between small, medium and large cups of coffee (or whatever name your favourite store likes to use) isn’t that much. But ask yourself “do you really want to drink a pint of coffee two or three times a day?” Having smaller drinks won’t save that much in itself but when combined with the other ideas here it’ll help reduce your spending and hopefully improve your health too.
So, the next time you go into your local coffee shop just stop and think about what you are spending and what you really want.
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