
Saturday 15 June 2013

A Day In The Fresh Air Beats Shopping Any Day

A day out in the fresh air even when it's one of those strange but all too common summer days full of wind, rain, sun and cold has to be better for the soul and the wallet than traipsing around shops for hours on end. Quite why this is called retail therapy is beyond me, there can be little else that is as tedious, frustrating and downright boring. 

Out and about is not only cheaper in the long run it encourages us to buy the kinds of foods and drinks that make sense for us. All that exercise means we are able to eat the carbs and not worry about gaining weight. Do that at a coffee shop after an hour or so ambling round a few shops and the waistline will be increasing. 

It's all too easy to go to a shopping mall and finding somewhere to spend the day out in the open is easier for some than others, depending on where you live. A little forward planning won't go amiss here. Create a list of those places you want to visit and work your way through them. The benefits to you and your wallet will be huge. 

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