If you have worked out how much you are spending on food each week then you should have figured out just which items are costing you too much. Switching to cheaper brands or cooking fresh ingredients doesn't need to cost you more if you plan ahead and look for the reduced items (check that they are still in date of course) in your local stores.
Some tips for reducing your weekly food bill:
Bulk Buy
When you see food items reduced or on special offer - but only if you would buy them anyway.
Cook Large Quantities
These can be frozen or prepared ahead of time and split into smaller containers for use later.
Eat Your Vegetables Raw
This reduces fuel bills and is healthier too - there's a whole raw food movement out there to explore if you weren't aware of it. Try the recipes on the Living and Raw Foods website and see how you get on.
Check Use By Dates
Make sure you check the use by dates of products you already have at home and use them in time - it's a terrible waste if you have to throw food away before it's even cooked.
Portion Size
Just using a slightly smaller plate or dish can help out as you still think you're getting a plate-full. Ask yourself whether you really need to eat the size of portions that you have got used to.
How have you managed to reduce your weekly food bill?
Feel free to comment and share your ideas.
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