
Thursday, 17 June 2010

Getting Some Extra Income

Extra income is really going to help you reduce your debt providing you don't use it to spend on items you don't need.  Sounds pretty obvious but it's finding out where to get that work isn't it?  Here are some ideas to help your search.

  1. Check local newspapers and the classified - not everything is on the web (yet).
  2. Look at notice-boards in stores, there are often requests for short-term work or assistance.
  3. Never be afraid to ask if you see a situation that you think you can help out with using your skills - be polite and even if the answer is no providing you've left contact details it's not wasted effort.
When you are trying to get that extra cash you'll be surprised at just what skills you do have - think about those too.

Spend a little time to save a lot of money! 

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1 comment:

  1. Forgot to look at the boards in my local store until I read this. Had a look yesterday and have picked up a few hours work next week - thanks so much
