To save money you need to do something about it – it’s not just about sitting on your backside and doing nothing all day, that just leads to boredom and, well, nothing really.
Even people with lots of money tied up in investments are active when it comes to money. They don’t just buy some shares and leave them be, they keep an eye on the markets and move their money around to make sure they’ve always got the best rate for themselves (well, they might pay someone to do all that but you get the idea). You can learn from them too. Here’s how.
1. Decide What You Want To Save
Not just an amount of money, it could be your time. Just pick three things you want to save on, your top three irritants if you like.
2. Think Things Through
For each of your three irritants write down WHY you want to save on that item and HOW MUCH and BY WHEN. Don’t just scribble down the first thing that comes into your head use a separate piece of paper for each and jot down notes about the item. It may take a day to complete this part but you will end up with something meaningful to you – and that’s what counts.
Now you have your list think about HOW TO SAVE on each of these items. Again, brainstorm ideas, the wackier the better to start with. Do some research, check out websites, ask friends their opinions. Anything, in fact to increase your knowledge of that area. It won’t take long – soon you will know all you need to know in order to decide on your PLAN OF ACTION.
3. Attack Your Plan
You now know WHY, HOW MUCH to save and BY WHEN together with HOW TO SAVE on each and a PLAN OF ACTION.
Unfortunately that’s the easy part. The hard part is making it happen. Doing all you said you would and hitting those dates you said you would.
Start with the easy ones to help you get used to the changes you will be making – change in itself can become a habit but you have to start somewhere. Oh, yes – make sure you congratulate yourself when you’ve made each of your three targets – you will have deserved it J
Spend a little time to save a lot of money!
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