
Monday 3 June 2013

It's Down To Us To Turn The Economy Round

We all want our economies to improve around the world but we all know equally well that politicians can only be trusted to look after themselves and the over-inflated egos. They make sure that their post political careers are well sorted by keeping banks and big corporates sweet while talking hard words that never get transferred into actions. 

So if we want our economies to improve it's down to us to do something about it, regardless of the prevailing environment. If we all do the following 3 things regularly then maybe we can start to turn things round together:

  1. Support local businesses as opposed to large multi-nationals and online faceless giants. It may cost a little more and take a little longer to track down what you want but the money will be kept on your local community rather than being siphoned off to some far off tax haven. 
  2. Think very carefully about where the items and food you buy comes from. While there are ethical and transport costs that you might want to think about which are more of an environmental issue buying food in season and locally produced rather than being shipped half way round the world means it will be fresher and better for you and, as above, keeps the money in your local economy. The same goes for all other non-food items but globalisation means you will have to set your own boundaries for what you consider 'local' on a case by case basis. 
  3. Set up your own business selling what you are good at. We all have things that we excel at and that means that others will be prepared to pay for it - goods or services. Start small, don't risk your home on it and see how it goes. We all have an entrepreneur inside us itching to get out. If things don't work out, learn from it and try something else - that's what all successful business people do. 
Don't blame others for the state of the economy, they won't listen or change their insipid habits. 

Let's make a change together and get ourselves sorted out. 

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