
Sunday 14 April 2013

Supermarkets: We Love Them & Hate Them

I have to admit to having a love/hate relationships with supermarkets. I love the fact that everything is in one place and the savings that can be made when I look carefully and pick and choose what I buy. At the same time I hate the fact that they are wiping out our high streets and local traders and seemingly as many other market sectors as they can get their hands on. Supermarkets themselves recognise this and instead of using their own names when expanding are using or creating brands that seem like they are small local brands but aren't - just check out Tesco and 'Harris + Hoole' artisan coffee.

So what does all this mean for those of us who want and need to make savings in our weekly shopping but also have a passion for supporting our local retailers as well? It means that we have to be careful when we do see new stores opening and understand what their ownership is if we want to support true small businesses and simply not provide extra revenue to the big players in the industry. It also means that it's OK to shop in supermarkets if we know we are doing it on our own terms, that we are making conscious decisions on what we buy and when. It also means that we are consciously using the local retailers in our own high streets when they supply what it is we want. And if they aren't supplying what we want to buy, tell them, they need to know. Remember, spending just 10% of your weekly shop in real local stores can make all the difference. It certainly would if we all did this.

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