
Wednesday 10 April 2013

5 Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen

All the best parties end up in the kitchen so it's said and the kitchen is the heart of most homes. It's where time is spent preparing meals, making drinks, washing - let's be honest, it's the one room in the house we automatically gravitate to. It's also the room which has a great deal of cost associated with it. Yes, the appliances in there cost a lot but also all the bits and pieces in there that we use each and every day cost a fair amount too. So here are a my 5 tips for saving money in your kitchen:
  1. Use discarded plastic bags in your bin instead of buying plastics bags made specially for bins 
  2. Start using eco-cloths instead of dish-cloths and paper kitchen towels
  3. Save left-overs in either plastic containers or other sealed containers in the fridge - you haven't lived unless you've had bubble 'n' squeak
  4. Keep a large jug of water in the refrigerator instead of buying bottled water - it's always great to have chilled water available
  5. Re-use kitchen foil unless it's really greasy or ripped 
There are lots of ways to save money in and around the kitchen. These are just a few of ours. How do you save money in the kitchen?

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