
Sunday 17 March 2013

Please Can We Have A Joined-Up Budget

Like most people in the country I am completely indifferent to the upcoming budget. I know it's supposed to be a really significant annual event that defines government spending and how we get taxed but it's become nothing more than a political exercise in spin in recent years. It will announce, or should I say re-announce significant government spending that looks like it will be a real boost to the economy. Only, the reality will be it will be "old-money" already committed, just spun in a new way. Well, let's hope that's the case - we can't afford any more money when we are in so much debt. The only exception I would make to this would be a speeding-up of the HS2 project so that it starts to deliver far earlier than the middle of the next decade (and that's based on government estimates and we all know how trustworthy they are).

Let's hope for some real cuts in expenditure, huge reductions in the bureaucracy heaped on business which do nothing more than create paperwork for officials to read and do nothing with. Tax levels could be left at current levels or simplified. The effort required to keep up with the complexities of taxation makes no sense unless you make money out of advising big corporations on the subject. So, all in all, I'm looking to a "Joined-Up Budget", one that makes sense economically even if it doesn't for politicians more interested in their own 15 minutes of fame. Do I think we'll get one? Of course not, it'll be more of the same and another wasted opportunity.

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