
Sunday 17 February 2013

Are We Seeing A Backlash Against Beef?

It seems during the last few weeks there has been a never ending avalanche of stories about horse-meat being found in various processed meals that supposedly contained beef. Initially the news was about "DNA traces" of horse-meat which sounds pretty innocuous, similar to the "may contain nuts" labels found on some foods because they are produced in the same factories that produce foods with nuts. Pretty soon though the DNA traces turned into 60-100% horse-meat and it wasn't only confined to the UK and Ireland, the whole sordid tale stretches out across Europe. 

So are people starting to turn their backs on beef? While in a supermarket the other day I noticed large piles of beef mince in the refrigerators. Noticeably, most of it was labelled as "Irish Beef" although there was British Beef there too. Maybe I had arrived just as new stock had been put out - or maybe not. Local butchers have signs up with special offers on beef which is great for shoppers but is a worrying indication on what has quickly happened to the market. 

Where am I going with this? Well, the problems that have been so widely broadcast in the media are all about meat that we can't really recognise in the foods we buy and importantly, have no control over. When we buy meat, and in this case beef, in its raw state the chances of it not being what it purports to be are negligible. Don't give up on beef - when you buy it raw it is what it's supposed to be. 

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